How Much is Your Degree Worth?

According to the US Census Bureau, a college education almost certainly guarantees a higher income and overall lifetime net worth. American workers with bachelor’s degrees earn almost double those with only a high school diploma. The average college-educated US worker earns $51,206 per year, versus only $27,915 for a high school graduate. Those with college degrees also have higher employment rates than those with less education. Workers with advanced degrees are employed at a rate exceeding 86%. They have better job security, better retirement, and have an easier time finding employment. Read more

Common Problems of Freshman College Students

In entering upon a college course you are taking a step that may completely revolutionize your life. You are facing new situations vastly different from any you have previously met. They are also of great variety, such as finding a place to eat and sleep, regulating your own finances, inaugurating a new social life, forming new friendships, and developing in body and mind. The problems connected with mental development will engage your chief attention. You are now going to use your mind more actively than ever before and should survey some of the intellectual difficulties before plunging into the fight. Read more

How To Handle College Schedules

Do You know what you want to be when you grow up? Chances are, if you ask college freshmen this question, the majority will tell you, ‘Undecided.’ Most students go into college without a clear idea of what they really want to do with their education. This is the rule rather than the exception. Now, what can be the reason for this? Read more

College Interviews General Questions

There are many factors that make a great interview, but the most important of all are the answers. Your college interview preparation must start by thinking of all the possible questions that you may be asked, and some questions that you will want to ask too. Read more

Psychology Of College Interview

Preparing for an interview is as stressful and as difficult as it gets, for some reason we always want to impress the people who are examining us and we always want to get the job, even people who go to multiple interview admit they want all their interviews to go well and that they would like to get accepted to all of the jobs they are interviewing for. This is rarely the case, as we know that for each spot there is a lot of competition and its not getting easier as time passes. Read more

College: Choosing Your Major

Choosing your major in college or university may seem like the decision of a lifetime. It certainly may be the most important decision to date in your lifetime and possibly you feel poorly equipped to make the decision. Read more

The Top Five Tips On How To Choose A College Major

Choosing a college major is a challenge for many college students at one time or another. In fact, it’s not uncommon for college students to change their major after spending a year or two pursuing a college major that they are no longer interested in. And of course, it’s better to change your major than carry on in a career that you will not be satisfied with. But it does help if you can determine your college major as quickly as possible and here are five tips to help you do that. Read more

How to Find Cheap College Textbooks

College students dread the start of every semester. This is because of the rising tuition fees, school supplies and textbooks. Every year, the cost of college is getting higher. It is only wise that students should learn how to cut costs and find alternatives in saving money. Are you a college student who wants to save money? Worry no more! Did you know that you can save hundreds of dollars with college textbooks? Here are some tips that would help you save a lot of money with textbooks. Read more

Attending Your First College? 7 Very Useful Tips And Tricks

Attending college does more for a person than give them a degree and a brighter future. In fact, it gives them a rich past. It gives people a past full of fond memories and joyful youth. College should be taken as an experience to enjoy not something that needs to be endured. There are some ways to make the most of your college days. Read more

The Benefits Of Student Exchanges

Maybe you’ve considered travel. I used to think that I would travel when I was done school. Then, it occurred to me: there’s no time like the present. Going on exchange was the best thing that I could have done. Here are a few reasons that studying abroad is great: Read more